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Celderma Daily - 溫泉水凝膠保濕面膜  Ultimate Water Wrapping Mask

Celderma Daily - 溫泉水凝膠保濕面膜 Ultimate Water Wrapping Mask

HK$238.00 Regular Price
HK$128.00Sale Price

溫泉水凝膠保濕面膜 Celderma Daily Ultimate Water Wrapping Mask (30ml X 5pcs)


  • 含比利時的84.5%溫泉水,可深層滋潤和舒緩皮膚。
  • Less is more 以極簡配方,以減輕皮膚負擔,保持健康皮膚。
  • 加速皮膚的新陳代謝,並形成一層保濕層,持續濕潤肌膚,同時更快地去除皮膚上積聚的角質。
  • 凝膠質感片完美地粘附在皮膚上,將充足的精華有效地傳遞到皮膚中。


It is the hottest selling moisturising mask from the new Cekderma Daily Series. 


Function - Ultimate Moisturising


Intimate care with 84.5% hot spring water from Belgium


Gel texture filled with hot spring essence. The sheet wraps up the face and the active ingredient of the essence deliver effectively.


Key points - 

1. 4 main minimalist ingredients - Consist only of essential ingredients with minimal formulation to lower burden on skin keeping it moistand healthy. 

2. Watery Hot Spring Essence - Hydro tone No.1 hot spring essence that deeply hydrates and soothes the skin. 

3. Improve metabolism while impurities accumulated on skin is more quickly removed.

4. Formation of skin protection layer while it deeply moisturises.


How to use: 

1. Cleanse face and apply toner

2. Remove the mask from the pack and apply evenly over face

3. Leave the mask on for 10 to 20 minutes before removing. Gently tap the essence on the face for better absorption 


Made in Korea

    優惠1: 淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over
    優惠2: 全單購買滿HKD350或以上即送「
    atoMU皮炎乳液17 10ml」1支,贈品將隨貨品贈送


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