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HEAVEN天堂 - 排毒亮齒椰子漱口油 (清新薄荷味) Oil Pulling Mouthwash Fresh Mint

HEAVEN天堂 - 排毒亮齒椰子漱口油 (清新薄荷味) Oil Pulling Mouthwash Fresh Mint

HK$210.00 Regular Price
HK$198.00Sale Price



我的牙周病很嚴重,使用1個月後,刷牙沒有血絲,口臭也沒有了。我已經使用這個油拔法十多年,覺得很有效。” 楊女士 -家庭主婦

它在我身上產生神奇作用。身體出現明顯變化,晨起口氣變淡、牙齒乾淨不易生垢、排便順暢及睡眠改善了。” 嚴先生 -退休人士

使用2星期後,牙齒變得潔白,皮膚好像更有彈性和水分,我會持續使用這個天然的漱口法寶!”  黃小姐 -市場銷售經理


使用方法: 使用前請先搖勻 以10 -15ml (約 1 湯匙)含於口中 在牙齒間游走5至15分鐘後吐出(時間越長效果越佳) 用清水或淡鹽水漱口,把口腔內殘留的毒素清洗得更乾淨



Ingredients: MCT oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Manuka Oil, Food Grade Peppermint Oil


Heaven Oil Pulling Mouthwash is 100% natural without any chemical.  The golden proportion of MCT oil and 100% organic virgin coconut oil use centrifugal extraction technology to retain the highest medium-chain triglycerides and lauric acid, together with New Zealand 100% pure manuka oil, it has powerful natural antibacterial effects and eliminates oral bacteria.  It sucks out the bacteria hidden in the cracks of the gums and dentin tubules, removes tartar and stains, reduces the formation of tartar, moisturizes the gums, prevents bad breath and brightens teeth. Specially added edible peppermint oil, non-greasy, refreshing and comfortable taste.  By improving your oral health and detoxifying your body at the same time, it helps to improve many chronic diseases and your skin becomes healthy and smooth.


We aim to develop healthy, harmless and effective mouthwash that can be used for life time.  Fully transparent ingredients, simple and natural, completely free from harmful ingredients that can be commonly found in many mouthwash products.  No alcohol, preservatives, salicylic acid, fluorine, chlorine, iodine and other chemical ingredients that is safe and do not affect the ecological environment and cause pollution.

Directions: Oil pulling before brushing your teeth, swish 10-15ml in mouth for 5-15 minutes, when finished spit out, do not swallow.


    淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over


    Whatsapp: 2172 7808

    自取點提貨: 九龍新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈16樓C&D室

    營業時間:  星期一至五 09:30 - 18:00; 星期六 09:30 - 12:00; 星期日及公眾假期休息

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