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Sister Bees -備長炭山羊牛奶皂 Charcoal Goat's Milk Soap

Sister Bees -備長炭山羊牛奶皂 Charcoal Goat's Milk Soap


備長炭山羊牛奶皂 Charcoal Goat's Milk Soap 127g


  • 備長炭能吸附毛孔裡的髒污,亦能平衡肌膚的油脂分泌,洗完不乾澀
  • 帶來舒緩的效果,獨特的保濕力供給肌膚水分及營養,讓肌膚保濕度持久
  • 深層清潔,平衡油脂,緊緻回復彈性,改善暗沉,平滑肌膚
  • 適用於所有皮膚,無香料


Sister Bees Charcoal Goat's Milk Soap is specifically crafted with nourishing ingredients to benefit your skin. Activated charcoal has a deep-cleaning action and is a terrific, NATURAL body deodorizer.  Charcoal soap is good for all skin types, is fragrance-free.

    優惠1: 淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over
    優惠2: 全單購買滿HKD350或以上即送「
    atoMU皮炎乳液17 10ml」1支,贈品將隨貨品贈送


    Whatsapp: 2172 7808

    自取點提貨: 九龍新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈16樓C&D室

    營業時間:  星期一至五 09:30 - 18:00; 星期六 09:30 - 12:00; 星期日及公眾假期休息

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